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Keep Safe in Education: Navigating the Rise in Ransomware at Schools

In an era where technology plays a pivotal role in faculties, schools are increasingly becoming targets for cyber threats, with ransomware posing a significant danger. It’s therefore essential for members of a school’s management team to be aware of it and know how to mitigate the risks of attack.

December 05, 2023

Keep Safe in Education: Navigating the Rise in Ransomware at Schools

In an era where technology plays a pivotal role in faculties, schools are increasingly becoming targets for cyber threats, with ransomware posing a significant danger. It’s therefore essential for members of a school’s management team to be aware of it and know how to mitigate the risks of attack. 


If you’re not familiar with this term, ransomware is a form of malware/virus that locks off your private data and threatens to release or delete this data unless the attacker’s demands are met. These attacks on educational institutions can disrupt learning, compromise sensitive data, and incur financial losses. 


The Growing Threat:


In recent years, educational institutions, including schools, have become prime targets for these attacks. The motivations behind these attacks vary, but they often include financial gain, data theft, or simple spiteful intentions. This is why it’s crucial that headteachers are aware of these threats and how to prevent, as heads of the school you can instigate plans that are enacted school wide.


Dangers of Ransomware in Schools:


Disruption of Learning:

Ransomware attacks can disrupt the normal flow of education by encrypting crucial files and systems. This can lead to the temporary shutdown of school networks, impacting the delivery of lessons, grading systems, and other essential processes.


Data Breach and Privacy Concerns:

Schools house vast amounts of sensitive information, including student records, staff details, and financial data. A successful ransomware attack can result in a data breach, compromising the privacy of students and staff.


Financial Consequences:

The ransom is not only financially burdensome but also no guarantee that the attacker will decrypt the files. Schools may face a double loss – paying a ransom and still dealing with the aftermath of the attack.


Solutions to Mitigate Ransomware Risks:


Educating Staff and Students:

Awareness is the first line of defence. If you are a head teacher or part of the management team, you should educate both staff and students about the dangers of phishing emails, malicious links, and the importance of strong, unique passwords. Regular cybersecurity training sessions can help build a vigilant school community. It’s crucial to stay updated, as the world of cybercrime is always evolving in new, malicious ways.


Implementing Robust Cybersecurity Measures:

You should invest in robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems. Regularly updating and patching software and operating systems is crucial in closing vulnerabilities that attackers might exploit.


Data Backup and Recovery Plans:

Regularly backing up critical data is essential. In the event of a ransomware attack, having up-to-date backups allows schools to restore their systems without succumbing to the ransom demands. Additionally, having a well-defined and regularly tested data recovery plan is crucial.


Incident Response Plan:

As a head teacher or senior staff member, you should have a well-documented incident response plan in place. This plan should outline the steps to take in the event of a ransomware attack, including communication, recovery plans, and coordination with law enforcement.


Ransomware poses a severe threat to schools, jeopardising the education of students and the integrity of sensitive data. You can mitigate these risks by adopting a proactive approach and fortifying your school’s defences against cyber threats. Through education, robust cybersecurity measures, and meticulous planning, head teachers & IT teams can create a resilient environment that prioritises the safety and security of their digital infrastructure.
